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Doing a ladybug observational drawing in our garden.

What will my child do and learn at La Plazita:

At La Plazita we strongly believe in preparing children to succeed. Our leadership team is made up of highly regarded educators and trainers that have come together to create a solid curriculum. We are an immersion program that immerses children not only in the Spanish language but also in our culture. We strongly believe that Spanish is the way in which we communicate, however what we do is just as important. Our program works on both the social emotional aspects of early childhood as well as the cognitive skills they will need to enter into Kindergarten. We also believe strongly in health and nutrition and integrate exercise into our daily program as well as promote healthy eating habits through our nutrition policy and our garden.


We accept children between the ages of 2 to 6.


The best way to study insects is to be one!


My Day at La Plazita

Transitioning to Kindergarten

Specifics on What My Child Will do and Learn

(Sample Schedule)

7-9am Before Care

9-930 Circle Time

9:30 Large Motor Skills physical activity

10:00 Snack time

10:30 Small motor skills

11:00 Music/Yoga/Thematic play/Reading

11:30 Lunch

12:00 Cool down and Nap

2:00 Early literacy activities

2:30 Outdoor play

3-6pm after care

Before and after care includes arts, crafts and music, depending on the day. La Plazita for younger children allows for more self-guided exploration and play. As they get older and move to the center there is more emphasis on teacher lead activities.

We accept full and part time students but children must commit to full days, we do not offer half days at this time.


Full days= $70 per day from 9am-3pm

Before and after care= 7am-9am and 3-6pm at $11 p/ hr

Full time with no after care: $1400

Full time= Five days from 7am-6pm $1700

Diapering Fee= $50 per month

Registration Fee= none

Deposit= $250- $500

We are very aware that many of our children may transition into an all English Kindergarten and therefore integrate our two individual and separate language models for our older children. We utilize a clear understanding of what is transferable and what is not and teach children based on this. Our children succeed in all English schools with the added advantage of a second language. Children who learn two languages at a young age exercise their brain more so than those that speak only one language.


To speak Spanish, to share, to build self-esteem, love, empathy and respect for others, develop frienships. To become critical thinkers, to recognize letters and numbers, colors, to heighten their creativity, to play, to respect others and their environment, to be responsible, to clean up after themselves, to eat balanced snacks, to exercise, to dance, to sing, to cook, to communicate with their peers and others, and much much more. Many of our two year olds already write their name and most of our three year olds know the sound of almost all the letters.


One of our day of the dead favorite crafts.


Field trips are related to the themes we are studying, here we went to Peralta Hacienda Park to learn more about gardens.


We made bread after learning about occupations, specifically bakers.

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Our Three Kings Party where the three kings came to leave treats in all the children's shoes

Potty Training

We currently provide potty training at La Plazita on a case by case basis during our daily activities as many of our children are in transition to becoming fully trained.

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